$ Scott(Scottish Fold Token) is a BEP20 token running on the BSC network. It stands out with its fast transfer times and low fees.
ICO Starts at 25.12.2021 14:00 (GMT) Ends 28.02.2022 14:00 (GMT)
ICO Address: 0x8237D16b06a07e2Cb8F0A199F16c740826ddE724(Send BNB to this address)
Check address from https://www.scotttoken.com
1 $SCOTT = 1 $BNB (Max 25 Scott per Bep20 address)
Max Supply : Only 100.000
Circulating Supply: 70.000 (70% for Pancakeswap liquidity, 30% for Private Sale, Team, Marketing and Development Ecosystem)
Burning Supply: 30.000
PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x411a8Bbd0c27bfa3Bc51f1E86bCC840A3AB398F0
Contract Address: 0x411a8Bbd0c27bfa3Bc51f1E86bCC840A3AB398F0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scotttoken
Instagram: https://instagram.com/scottishfoldtoken
Website: https://www.scotttoken.com
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/scotttoken
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/scottchat